Furniture is silent. It supports life and carries emotions in silence. Silence is an open language that contains things that words cannot convey.

The carpentry team MADE connects designers Dio Wong and Renatus Wu, who have been thinking through the lightness and heaviness of life and have turned their thoughts into a series of furniture prototypes. The “Prototyping room: the weight of silence” features 13 prototypes, reimagining the possibilities of handcrafted local furniture in an industrialised world.

Prototyping is a creative process that transforms intangible ideas into tangible objects. Being in this era, it is inevitable that a variety of feelings will accumulate. Everyday life may be light and trivial, but some feelings linger despite the passage of time. Confronting the lightness and heaviness of life and finding balance is the essence of living.

For artisans, creating prototypes is also a journey of self-healing. The carpenter, through silent repetition, transfers heavy thoughts into light objects. At the same time, in the process of making prototypes, thoughts and materials influence each other, transforming into meaningful entities not only for the individual but also for others and the community.

Furniture is silent, yet it carries our being, our connections with others, and even our imagination of life. When words fail to carry our emotions, we should start from silence and look for another, more intimate and more authentic feeling.

家具是沉默的。它們沉默地支撐著生活, 沉默地承載情感。沉默是一種開放的語言, 蘊含話語無法承載的事物。

木匠團隊 MADE 連結設計師黃耀霖 (Dio WONG) 和胡卓斌 (Renatus WU),共同思考生活中的輕與重,並將其轉化成一系列家具原型作品。是次「輕重〔原型展〕」展出 13 種家具原型,在生產工業化的當代,重新想像以雙手製作本地家具的可能性。


