
Prototyping Artists
  • Dio Wong

    co-founder of 430


    Multimedia designer, spatial designer and photographer. I delve into different realms of creativity, seeking ways to perceive the world through the creative process. This collaboration with Edited and MADE was organic. We each started from our respective areas of expertise, constantly oscillating between conceptualization and form, colliding ideas, and ultimately infusing shared spiritual values into the final product. This creative collaboration allowed me to revisit the origins of my creativity and reinterpret the purpose of design.

    多媒體設計師、空間設計師、攝影師,涉獵不同範疇的創意領域,渴望在創作過程中找尋認知世界的方式。此次與 Edited 和 MADE 合作創作的過程是有機的。大家從各自的知識範疇出發,不斷在構思和造形之間來回,進行意念碰撞,最終在完成品中注入共同的精神價值。此次的創意合作,讓我重拾創作時的原點,重新理解設計時應有的意旨。


    founder of edited


    As a designer and editor, I have always worked as a brand consultant for different local brands, dedicated to integrating culture into daily life and business and discovering the value of local culture. I have always seen books as a form that carries ideas. The creation of this exhibition follows a similar process; it is also a process of transforming ideas into material form and crafting furniture prototypes with symbolic imagery. During the creative process, I suddenly realized that I had been carrying an unbearable weight for the past few years. Thankfully, this exhibition has allowed me to lighten this indescribable heaviness and turn it into furniture that accompanies us every day.


  • MADE

    Local handcrafted wood furniture brand. MADE is committed to passing on the culture of handcrafted woodworking, promoting the beauty of wooden furniture, and pursuing a Made to Order crafting process that is more community-centered and has less environmental impact. This collaboration with Renatus and Dio allowed us to engage in a dialogue between woodworking and ideas, fulfilling one of our wishes since the establishment of MADE. Over the past few years, we have not been in the best spirits and often felt powerless. This collaboration has reignited our joy in creation, made us more determined in our pursuits, and encouraged us to continue creating furniture that enhances our lives and serves as spiritual support.

    本地木藝家具品牌。志在傳承手工木藝文化,推動木家具美好,亦在追求一種更能凝聚社群、對環境影響更少的Made to Order製造過程。這次 MADE 和 Renatus 與 Dio 兩位設計師的合作,能以木工和意念對話,算是達成了我們成立 MADE 以來的其中一個心願。這幾年夥伴們的心情也不是太好,時常感到無力。這次合作令我們重拾創作的快樂,各自都對自己想做的事變得更加堅定,也鼓勵了我們繼續為大家帶來更多能支撐生活,又能成為精神支柱的家具作品。


    Local handcrafted wood furniture brand. MADE is committed to passing on the culture of handcrafted woodworking, promoting the beauty of wooden furniture, and pursuing a Made to Order crafting process that is more community-centered and has less environmental impact. This collaboration with Renatus and Dio allowed us to engage in a dialogue between woodworking and ideas, fulfilling one of our wishes since the establishment of MADE. Over the past few years, we have not been in the best spirits and often felt powerless. This collaboration has reignited our joy in creation, made us more determined in our pursuits, and encouraged us to continue creating furniture that enhances our lives and serves as spiritual support.

    本地木藝家具品牌。志在傳承手工木藝文化,推動木家具美好,亦在追求一種更能凝聚社群、對環境影響更少的Made to Order製造過程。這次 MADE 和 Renatus 與 Dio 兩位設計師的合作,能以木工和意念對話,算是達成了我們成立 MADE 以來的其中一個心願。這幾年夥伴們的心情也不是太好,時常感到無力。這次合作令我們重拾創作的快樂,各自都對自己想做的事變得更加堅定,也鼓勵了我們繼續為大家帶來更多能支撐生活,又能成為精神支柱的家具作品。

  • Olivier Cong

    Hong Kong-based singer-songwriter and composer. Cong is known for his unique style of music, which is influenced by folk, alternative rock, contemporary classical and modern music. After completing his college studies in psychology, he has been working with various forms of music and sound art. Cong explores the texture of sounds and often experiments with minimal musical structures. He is one of the founders of the music label Raven & The Sea Music and released his first solo album, “A Ghost & His Paintings”, in early 2018. In the same year, he held a solo concert, “Through The Window I See No Star”, at the century-old St Andrew’s Church. He has composed for the Hong Kong Ballet, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, and Shanghai Opera House, as well as film scores for directors Tian Zhuangzhuang and Ann Hui. Cong has served as the music director for productions at the West Kowloon Cultural District.

    香港音樂家,自幼學習小提琴及鋼琴,曲風獨特,廣受民謠、另類搖滾、當代古典及現代音樂等不同元素影響。音樂品牌Raven & The Sea Music創辦人之一。2018年初推出⾸張個⼈專輯《A Ghost & His Paintings》,同年於有百年歷史的聖安德烈堂內舉⾏個⼈⾳樂會「Through The Window I See No Star」。他曾受香港芭蕾舞團、香港管弦樂團和上海大劇院委約創作,亦為田壯壯,許鞍華等導演的電影譜曲,也是自由空間樂團其中一位音樂總監。