adapt chair

DIMENSIONS ( CM )H 75.0 | D 45.0 | W 40.0

Product Description

櫈腳呈45度扭轉的不平常椅子。 為了適應生長環境而變成正方型的西瓜,還算是西瓜嗎?我們的本質,是由表像還是內在界定?為了適應環境而改變自身形態,這件事有錯嗎?抱著這些疑問,我們創作了一種乍看之下正常,功能熟悉,但又完全不一樣的怪異椅子。至於問題的答案,至今未有。

A peculiar chair with legs twisted at a 45-degree angle. Is a watermelon that has grown into a square shape to adapt to its environment still a watermelon? Is our essence defined by appearance or by our inner nature? Is it wrong to change our shape to adapt to the environment? With these questions in mind, we created a chair that seems normal and functionally familiar at first glance, yet is completely strange and different. As for the answers to these questions, they remain elusive.

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