block stool


DIMENSIONS ( CM )H 35.0 | D 29.5 | W 32.0

Product Description

以三塊木板堆疊而成的板櫈,每張板櫈的表面處理都獨一無二。 記憶是怎樣保存下來的?人類絕大部份的記憶都不是透過言語,而是透過沉默的物件,例如書籍、編織、手工藝品、藝術品而保存下來,再傳達給其他人。換言之,手工製作家具的過程,就是以物質盛載著一段記憶,期待未來的人使用或觀看時,能夠再一次記起。

A stool made by stacking three wooden boards, each with a unique surface finish. How are memories preserved? Most human memories are not kept through words but through silent objects, such as books, weavings, handicrafts, and artworks, which are then passed on to others. In other words, making handcrafted furniture is about embedding memories into material objects, hoping that future users or viewers can recall these memories. Once again.

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