vignette floor lamp

DIMENSIONS ( CM )H 115.0 | D 12.0 | W 12.0

Product Description

併合十六支燒杉的座地燈,可用以作照亮暗角。 生活在這個城市的人,都習慣以天花板的燈管照亮整個空間。然而,燈具不只有單一的照明功能,還能改變空間的氣氛。其中一個最直接的方法,就是以氣氛燈照亮房間角落,像畫框一樣框起空間,將其轉變成能夠沉浸其中的作品。

A floor lamp composed of sixteen combined charred ash pieces. It can be used to illuminate dark corners. People living in this city are accustomed to using ceiling lights to illuminate their spaces. However, lighting fixtures are not limited to a single function of illumination; they can also change the atmosphere of a space. One of the most direct ways to do this is by using ambient lighting to illuminate the corners of a room, framing the space like a picture frame and transforming it into an immersive piece of art.

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