burnt box

DIMENSIONS ( CM )H 9.5 | D 16.5 | W 24.5

Product Description

以燒杉工藝製作的紙巾盒,燒黑的木與潔白紙巾形成強烈對比。 日本其中一個美學的核心,就是引進陰影來看見美之所在。這種美學意識,被稱之為「幽玄」。幽是指隱蔽之處,而玄,就是深遠的黑。凝視著身處陰影之中的事物,首先會感受到寂靜,然後會瞥見無法以語言表達之美。日本歌僧正徹說:「所謂幽玄,就是有心,卻不訴諸於詞。」只有在陰翳和沉默之中,才能看見心之所在。

A tissue box crafted using the Shou Sugi Ban technique, where the charred blackened wood contrasts sharply with the white tissues. One of the core aesthetics in Japan is the invocation of shadows to reveal where beauty lies. This aesthetic consciousness is known as "Yūgen." 'Yū' refers to the hidden, while ‘Gen' signifies profound blackness. Gazing at things in the shadows, one first feels silence and then glimpses a beauty beyond words. The Japanese monk-poet Shōtetsu said, "Yūgen is having a mind but not expressing it in words." Only in the shadows and the silence can the mind be seen.

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